Piano for the Vocalist

Empower Your Voice

Learn to self Accompany

A FREE Resource to Help Singers Play and Perform with more Confidence

Piano Image

Instant Musical Expression

Learn to play and sing simultaneously, allowing you to express your musical ideas right away. Builds Confidence

Builds Confidence

Gain confidence in your abilities as you master self-accompaniment, making performances feel more natural

Flexible Learning Pace

Progress at your own speed with a curriculum that adapts to your skill level, ensuring you never feel rushed

About us

What is piano for the vocalist

It doesn’t have to take years of piano lessons to learn how to play while you sing! Singing and playing piano are distinct skills, but combining them is a unique art—and Piano for the Vocalist is designed to teach that art. This revolutionary curriculum helps singers of all levels learn to self-accompany by focusing on practical techniques and providing clear frameworks to build confidence. Whether you have a classical background and struggle with improvisation or have never touched a piano, this method empowers you to play your favorite songs while learning music fundamentals.

At the heart of the curriculum are specially designed arrangements that serve as complete comping workouts. Each piece begins in a foundational position (L1) and introduces rhythmic and technical modifications as students progress. The flexible structure allows learners to move through levels at their own pace, ensuring success at every step. With Piano for the Vocalist, you’ll start playing and singing right away, mastering the essentials while making music you love. r pieces transcribed as a lead sheet or piano arrangement. Many songwriter associations ask to see a minimum of chords or roman numeral analysis when submitting pieces.

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About Us

what we offer

Our curriculum focuses on teaching singers how to self-accompany using collaborative piano techniques for vocal performance, rather than traditional piano skills.

Unique Arrangements

Group Class

Youtube Tutorials

Learn with Us

Who we Serve

The Performer

The Performer is a natural on stage, captivating audiences with their expressive artistry and emotional depth.

The Multi Instruments

The Multi-Instruments

The Multi-Instrumentalist is a versatile musician with a love for exploring different instruments and styles. For them, piano is a gateway to enhancing their holistic musicianship and adding depth to their repertoire.

The Singer-Songwriter

The Singer-Songwriter

The Singer-Songwriter is a creative soul who pours their heart into crafting original music. They view piano as a tool for self-expression and independence.

Youtube Playlist

Sing and Play at the Same Time

Unlike other piano courses, PFV was created by voice teachers who play piano- not piano teachers. The result is a program that’s as vocal-centric as ever, with the added bonus of some piano skills. Tune in for quick tutorials, arrangements we’ve put together, and interviews with composers, pianists, and other educators to expand your knowledge.

Out Here On My Own

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Happy Birthday

Tenesse Whiskey

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Learn from one of our teachers (and each other) in our online group class. 

PIano Tutorials for beginners

just what you need to start playing piano

All our top tricks to get started can be easily watched or read in 2 minutes or less.

Piano Posture

Step 1 (2 minutes)

Piano Basics

Step 2 (2 minutes)

Piano Notes

Step 3 (2 minutes)

Piano Chords

Step 4 (2 minutes)

Students Reviews

What our students think

This program was built on student demand for more musical expression, independency, and an overall love for learning. Our students’ support and input have been invaluable.

Wang W

The teacher is great! I really enjoyed the vocal training and techniques As an adult, picking up music theory and playing piano is something I always wanted to try. So far so good.

Isabel G

Arabella is an amazing teacher - she takes her time to collaborate and be thorough. I've learned a lot and highly recommend!

Meghan Purdue

No one loves music or building a strong community more than Arabella! This is a great place to dive into music and find some new friends =)


Read All About it

Need to know tips and tricks.

What is Collaborative Piano?

What is Collaborative Piano?

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Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text

In mattis ed mollis, eros et ultrices tempus, mau ipsum alihmtjha libero, non adipiscing

Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text

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In mattis ed mollis, eros et ultrices tempus, mau ipsum alihmtjha libero, non adipiscing